Romans 12:15 - Rejoice and Mourn

Romans 12:15 gives us a two part command that can bless us and bless others. Will you take the challenge?

Romans 12:15 commands us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” 

The first half of this verse should be easy: rejoicing with those who rejoice. But jealousy, selfishness, and a lack of empathy often prevent it. 

Romans 12:15 gives us a two part command that can bless us and bless others. Will you take the challenge?

Empathy is the main ingredient in the "Golden Rule" which tells us to treat others as we want to be treated (Matthew 7:12).

Empathy is embodied in the old adage that tells us not to judge others until we Walk a Mile in Their Moccasins

In the body of Christ, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). 

With God's help, we refuse to become self-centered. Instead, we “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way [we] fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). 

Our empathy flows naturally from our God “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).

So let’s give ourselves a "Romans 12:15 challenge" this week: Let’s ask God to give us unique ways to share the joys and sorrows of others in our family, workplace, and community. 

💙 Beyond 1-minute for those who want more 💙 

Empathy is the "Golden Rule" attitude that helps us share and understand the feelings of others. For example, a parent has empathy for their child so they don't punish him harshly. In the same way, an adult child has empathy for his parents so he doesn't marginalize them in his life. In both cases, the person who has control of the situation considers how he would feel if he were in the other person's shoes.

Those who lack empathy are overly sensitive to their own feelings but cold and insensitive to the feelings of others. See the 1-minute devotion Lack of Empathy for more on this.

Sharing sorrow: Have you ever had difficulty knowing how to help a hurting friend? These 1-minute devotions can help:

She Didn't Know What to Say

3 Ways to Comfort

Romans 12:15 gives us a two part command that can bless us and bless others. Will you take the challenge?

Bible Love Notes

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